Prezentacija platforme za projektni menadžment Empanda

The Association Vertex organizes a public presentation of the Internet platform for project management of non-governmental organizations - Empanda. The aim of this platform is to support the implementation of NGO projects through transparent and easy financial project management and tracking results through a logical framework. In this way, the scope of the necessary administrative engagement is being reduced (including donor reporting), transparency increased, and monitoring of project outcomes facilitated. Empanda was developed as a multilingual computer application with the following features:

- Empanda contains two key modules: financial management logical framework (logframe);

- Any organization within the program can create an unlimited number of projects, donors, bank and petty cash accounts and transactions;

- Each individual project can have multiple donors and use multi-account funding. Contributions from individual donors are listed and monitored separately in the project budget. This feature also allows reporting across a number of different criteria;

- The project logic framework can contain an unlimited number of indicators at the level of goals, outcomes and outputs;

- Empanda enables the storage of concrete means of verification (files, scanned documents, photos, presentations, etc.) for specified logframe indicators;

- Mobile android Empanda application provides insight into the financial realization of the project and storage of means of verifications.

The presentation will be organizedin premisses of Peace Building Network, (Address: Obala Kulina bana 39, Sarajevo), onThursday, June 20, 2019. Starting at 11 am. The expected duration of the presentation is 60-90 minutes - depending on the number of questions and the duration of the discussion. Having in mind limited seating, please confirm your participation by Monday, June 17, 2019. 3:00 pm, at

More information on Vertex is available at this website and our FB page.

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* obavezno polje

Empanda članski paketi

Testni mod

  • Trajanje 3 mjeseca
  • Svi servisi dostupni
  • 1 GB disk prostora
  • Video uputstva
  • Bez obaveza


€20.00 / Mjesec
  • Puno upravljenje organizacijom
  • Neograničen broj projekata
  • 1 GB disk prostora
  • Android App za M&E
  • Podrška dostupna 24x7


€20.00 / Mjesec
  • Puno upravljenje organizacijom
  • Neograničen broj korisnika
  • Neograničen broj računa i projekata
  • Android App za nadzor
  • Podrška dostupna 24x7

Puni pristup

€30.00 / Mjesec
  • Puno upravljenje organizacijom
  • Puni Logframe modul (1 GB limit)
  • Puni finansijski modul
  • Android App za M&E
  • Podrška dostupna 24x7

Dodatni 1 GB disk prostora: € 7.00 / Mjesec

Obuke i certifikacije: po dogovoru